Showing posts with label mink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mink. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2013

Tim Gunn Exposes Fashion Cruelty

Tim Gunn of Project Runway and Tim Gunn's Guide to Style talks about the incredible torture animals endure in the fur industry.  This new video, produced by PETA2, shows extremely graphic footage of "producing fur" for fashion.  Although unspeakably horrific, many times that is what it takes to educate consumers, fashion designers, buyers and others who really may not be aware of where and how that fur ended up as a coat or fur trimming.

Personally, once that part of the video started, I had to fast forward.  I already know how these animals "live" their short lives and end up being brutally electrocuted, beaten and many times skinned ALIVE.  I cannot handle seeing the atrocities. I have been well aware of the cold hard facts for many years and have always advocated for alternatives to using real fur.  I have never bought, worn, much less touched, a fur garment of any kind.  I am not shy about voicing my disgust to anyone who does make that insanely selfish, aberrant choice.  Again, it's possible they had no idea.  However, those that do know and choose to buy/wear fur anyway are, in my book, nothing less than accomplices to murder.

Woody Harrelson Says NO to Cruel Fashion - Go Woody!!

Watch the video here featuring Woody Harrelson, then SIGN THE PLEDGE to be fur-free.